Poster and Fanart View

I love how Kodi helps gives you a little preview of what the movie will be like with the use of images and information, it changed the way I choose and watch movies.
The new Estuary skin is great and it offers more information than ever in a very quick and simple way.
However I havent found a View that features both the Posters and the Fanart, it is one or the other, and the one left out becomes a relatively hidden background (Fanart and List Views).
I’m looking for a Viewtype similar to the MediaInfo on Confluence.

watch gallery

The funny thing is that there was one similar one in the picutres for Krypton 1.7, this:

watch gallery

but i cannot find it in the actual installation.
any ideas how to get it? or modify the List Viewtype to show the fan art too?
