Q: re NFO – Superscript 4 character


My Immediate question:

Regarding special characters in an NFO file: I have a file that I have named: “REC 4 Apocalipsis (2014)”

I would like it to display in the library with a superscript 4, rather than a standard 4.

I was able to load a superscript 2 – [REC]² – and 3 – [REC]³ – for the previous two films, but I can’t seem to find the supported combination of characters that would support a superscript 4.

(I did a search for superscript 4 for UTF-8, but none seemed to work.)

What would be the correct nfo script? Huh

My long term question / suggestion:

A previous suggestion of mine was to create a list in the wiki of the DB versions for Kodi, which you folks so nicely executed.

Can we have a list of supported characters for the NFO files added to the Wiki as well?
