Kodi 17.3 on Win7: RIPPING CDs with AAC Encoder

Been head butting RIPping my CD collection on a Raspberry Pi 3B using OSMC/Kodi 17.3 so installed Kodi 17.3 (32 bit (only one I could find)) on my Win7 system (still missing XP and it hates Win10) to complete my ripping.

Selecting the WMA encoder I was able to rip the CD I needed without any problems.

As I was having problems with OSMC I tried the AAC Encoder. This was a fresh install and only have a choice of two encoders, WMA and AAC.

Multiple times ripping with the AAC encoder it barfed at between 75..95% complete on the first track and sort-of stopped. Opening and closing the loaded DVD/CD player would re-start RIPping and again it would barf before completing the first track.

The problem persisted whether I was logged in as me with power user attributes or as Admin.

I have generated a log file covering this problem if required just found the advice on up-loading a bit confusing. I did try a search for “AAC” but its too short. Then I looked back a month or so but didn’t see this one.

Edit: Now have a log file: https://pastebin.com/UPd9dJfy