The default value for <dateadded></dateadded> should be 0

After a long time I understand today why Kodi don’t display sort by “date added” movies/TvShows not exactly the movies/TvShows I had recently added.

We must had in “advancedsettings.xml” : 



Because default value is “1”


0 results in using the current datetime when adding a video;
1 (default) results in prefering to use the files mtime (if it's valid) and only using the file's ctime if the mtime isn't valid;
2 results in using the newer datetime of the file's mtime and ctime

There must be a good reason but I can’t figure out what it is.

For now I know what I must do.
But I never thought I’d have to add a such parameter for very basic expected behaviour.

I had opened a issue for this…

For the new users or users not very technical 


 should be 0 by default.
It is just my feeling.