Kodi skin aspect ratio detection bug


before i create a git report, i just wanted to quickly check in if this is a known issue:

When creating a skin addon.xml correctly targeting the the two most common almost-21:9 resolutions, code looks like this:


        <res width="1920" height="1080" aspect="16:9"  folder="xml" default="true" />
        <res width="1920" height="1200" aspect="16:10" folder="xml" />
        <!-- 21:9-ish aspect ratios -->
        <!-- covering 2 variants since both are slightly different from another -->
        <res width="2560" height="1080" aspect="21:9-old" folder="xml" />

        <!--most common 21:9-ish resolution in the past (2560x1080 px displays) -->
        <!-- translates to:  1920x810 px-->
        <res width="2580" height="1080" aspect="21:9-new" folder="xml" />

        <!-- most common 21:9-ish resolution today (3440x1440 px displays) -->
        <!-- translates to:  2580x1080 / 1920x804 px -->

Possibly do to rounding or other calulcation issues, Kodi is unable to switch correctly between the two ratios at the correct thresholds.

It in fact does switch between the two (which can be verified by Debug outputting Skin.AspectRatio and System.ScreenResolution), but it does so at the wrong thresholds.

Examples (Tested on Windows, most likely a generic issue):

Test 1)
Kodi test window @ 1920×810 px, Skin.AspectRatio should be “21:9-old”, Kodi correctly detects “21:9-old”

Test 2)
Kodi test window @ 1920×804 px, Skin.AspectRatio should be “21:9-new”, but Kodi wrongly detects “21:9-old”

Test 3)
Reducing window height further to @ 1920×791 px makes Kodi finally switch to “21:9-new” (which already should be the case with window height of 1920×804 px)

Thanks for any input, info and/or workarounds!