Enumerate Files on a Windows Server 2016 Share is incomplete


Setup: Windows Domain (Active Directory), Windows Server 2016 hosting file share, Kodi (16.1) Android running on a Amazon FireTV (current one with 4k capability), Gigabit Ethernet.

I upgraded my Server 2012R2 to a 2016 as it came out last week. I noticed that, although the SMB Share works in general, there is a problem: If I browse through the folders there are only the first 20 files shown. All other files are missing like there aren’t there. If I regroup all files in a manner that there are not more than around 20 objects per folder it works as it should.

Any hints what is causing this? It might be a bug in the very new server but if a Windows OS is accessing the Share I don’t have this problem.

If have worked around that problem by accessing the Share via FTP but FTP is 10 times slower than SMB so I would be happy if someone knows something. Alternatively I could mount the drives holding the Media Files to a different Server running 2012R2 but that would cause some redesigning….

Thx in advance,