TVHeadEnd does not start with mulitple profiles


I am running Linux Mint 18. I am playing with Kodi 17 Beta 1. The version of the TVHeadend Plug-In is kodi-pvr-hts is 3.4.4-1~xenial.

The TV menu was showing fine when I was just using the default user. But now I added a 2nd user. If I setup the profile to automatically login as a user (does not matter who) the plug-in works fine.

1. If I logout the user, go to the profile selection page, and go back in it will not show the TV menu, no matter what user I select.
2. If I set it to show the login screen on startup, and then select a user. The TV menu will not appear, no matter what user I select.

For both cases I need to go to the add-ons, and disable and reenable the TVHeadEnd plugin for it to show the TV menu.

Green with debugging this… So if you want me to collect logs or anything please let me know how. But here are some entries from the kodi.log file that I believe pertain…

21:10:30 T:140280274184576 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type “Setting.Details.SettingList”
21:10:30 T:140280274184576 ERROR: JSONRPC: Unable to parse JSON Schema definition for “”
21:10:30 T:140280274184576 ERROR: JSONRPC: Invalid JSON Schema definition for method “”
21:10:30 T:140279792727808 ERROR: GetDirectory – Error getting
21:10:30 T:140279792727808 ERROR: GetDirectory – Error getting pvr://channels/tv/*?view=lastplayed
21:10:30 T:140279792727808 ERROR: GetDirectory – Error getting pvr://recordings/tv/active?view=flat
21:10:30 T:140279792727808 ERROR: GetDirectory – Error getting pvr://channels/radio/*?view=lastplayed
21:10:30 T:140279792727808 ERROR: GetDirectory – Error getting pvr://recordings/radio/active?view=flat
21:10:31 T:140279792727808 ERROR: GetDirectory – Error getting
21:10:31 T:140279792727808 ERROR: GetDirectory – Error getting pvr://channels/tv/*?view=lastplayed
21:10:31 T:140279792727808 ERROR: GetDirectory – Error getting pvr://recordings/tv/active?view=flat
21:10:31 T:140279792727808 ERROR: GetDirectory – Error getting pvr://channels/radio/*?view=lastplayed
21:10:31 T:140279792727808 ERROR: GetDirectory – Error getting pvr://recordings/radio/active?view=flat

For comparison sake here is the same snippet when I have a profile automatically load…

21:12:31 T:140078638225792 WARNING: JSONRPC: Could not parse type “Setting.Details.SettingList”
21:12:31 T:140078638225792 ERROR: JSONRPC: Unable to parse JSON Schema definition for “”
21:12:31 T:140078638225792 ERROR: JSONRPC: Invalid JSON Schema definition for method “”
21:12:31 T:140078638225792 ERROR: ContextMenuManager: failed to load addons.
21:12:31 T:140078638225792 NOTICE: initialize done
21:12:31 T:140078638225792 NOTICE: Running the application…
21:12:31 T:140078638225792 NOTICE: starting zeroconf publishing
21:12:31 T:140078638225792 NOTICE: starting upnp client
21:12:31 T:140077046920960 ERROR: GetDirectory – Error getting
21:12:31 T:140077046920960 ERROR: GetDirectory – Error getting pvr://channels/tv/*?view=lastplayed
21:12:31 T:140077046920960 ERROR: GetDirectory – Error getting pvr://recordings/tv/active?view=flat
21:12:31 T:140077046920960 ERROR: GetDirectory – Error getting pvr://channels/radio/*?view=lastplayed
21:12:31 T:140077046920960 ERROR: GetDirectory – Error getting pvr://recordings/radio/active?view=flat
21:12:31 T:140076717692672 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on port 9777
21:12:31 T:140076717692672 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777 (ipv6 : false)
21:12:32 T:140077055313664 NOTICE: Start – EPG thread started