Weird Video Glitch when I leave Kodi running

I have Jarvis 16.1 installed throughout my home, but this issue only occurs on the main HTPC (ironically the newest built machine with the better hardware)

Basically, if I leave Kodi open and running and turn off the TV for the night, when I turn it on again in the morning it’s completely hung Windows. All you get is a black screen, you can’t ALT-TAB out of it to another app or the desktop, you can’t open task manager to kill the process, it just hangs. After awhile the screen will sometimes flash and show the desktop even but trying to interact with the start menu or anything glitches it out (flashing, weird video artifacts, not responsive). You basically have to reboot at that point. I checked the Event Log and it shows this error:

Application Hang – Kodi.exe version 16.1 stopped interacting with Windows and was closed.

The video card is a GeForce GTX 750 Ti and I get the feeling that what’s happening is that something is going into sleep mode when left unused for awhile and that causes the issue. Anyone else encountered this or have any suggestions how to fix it?