VPN Conflict with PVR

Is anyone else having problems using PVR while VPN is connected? I installed IPvanish on Amazon Fire TV Stick today and noticed that the channels and guide dont load in Kodi when it is connected. - ?

Fresh 17.1 install audio stutter

Hey I'm new here. I've been running Jarvis on my firestick since I got it 5 months ago but since a stable version of krypton is out I upgraded. My issue is internet videos play fine such as in YouTube, Reddit, etc, but the audio is choppy, it stutters...

Krypton and custom keyboard.xml

Since updating to Krypton, my custom key mapping no longer works. I've checked my keyboard.xml and nothing has changed. Anyone know how to make it work? The wiki hasn't been updated for 17. I'm using Amazon Fire TV.

Can’t get kodi to work

I had kodi 16.1 and it was working OK. I saw that I need to put the new Kodi 17 to keep it working. Not sure what I did wrong but I can't get kodi to work now. Its on my Samsung tablet. I tried going thru Google play and once installed, it turns on an...

Guide Builder

Currently looking for someone that can make a fully working guide for my IPTV addon Sent from my SM-N900T (typie typie)

upgrade from kodi 16.1 to 17.1 and it crashes

HI!! I'm running on windows 7 32 bits. I've been running kodi 16.1 for a while. Today i've decided to upgrade to 17.1. Once done, kodi was not starting! So i've deleted addons27, as suggested in other post. It worked, but like for 5-10 seconds! 17.1 k...

I can sale Raspberry Pi with Kodi?

Hi guys First of all I'm new at this and I don't speak English, I'm Panamenian.

I have a question, I have been reading about the selling of devices with Kodi and the customers have lost their money because of sellers that trick them.

I want to sell Raspberry Pi with Kodi like multimedia center but I'm goin to sell Raspberry Pi with Kodi and the free channel list.
I´m going to get paid for the Raspberry Pi, the manual (I going to make it), the Raspberry Pi instalation, control and support.

What can you tell me about this?

PlayOn Browser Help

total newb here. just completed my HTPC build. trying to optimize kodi as frontend. trying to get appliance feel. trying to download PlayOn Add-on and i get error when i click install. something about "dependency on script.module.skin.helper.artultils"...

Kodi playback probs on OS X

Installed newest Kodi/Krypton on MacBook pro , running Sierra Worked fine , the downloaded a movie, now playback problems Won't playback , says playing in upper corner but can't view

Kodi playback probs on OS X

Installed newest Kodi/Krypton on MacBook pro , running Sierra Worked fine , the downloaded a movie, now playback problems Won't playback , says playing in upper corner but can't view Mouse cursor is also ghosting...

choppy picture and sound doesn’t sync

hey guys, I just updated to kodi 17 and after the fighting and headache i got it to open up by following the directions on another thread, but i am having troubles with the video being choppy and it doesn't sync up with the sound. I'm running IOS 10.1...

Manually added files marked as view by default

I have edited my Advancedsettings.xml and my Playercorefactory.xml files to have a manga (.cbr/cbz) collection detected in a library as videos files.
But all the folders and files are marked as view :

watch gallery

There is no option to unmark as read.
I'm on Kodi Krypton 17.1, using the Titan 3.7.56 skin (I was on Nebula before and had the same problem).

The advancedsettings.xml file :

The Playercorefactory.xml file :
         <player name="PDF" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
         <filename>C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit Reader\FoxitReader.exe</filename>
    <player name="Digital" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
         <filename>C:\Program Files\Calibre2\ebook-viewer.exe</filename>
<player name="Guitar" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
         <filename>C:\Program Files (x86)\Guitar Pro\Guitar Pro 5\GP5.exe</filename>
<player name="Firefox" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
         <filename>C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe</filename>
<player name="Comics" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
         <filename>C:\Program Files (x86)\MComix-1.2.1\MComix.exe</filename>
<rules action="prepend">
                        <rule name="cbr" filetypes="cbr" player="Comics" />
                      <rule name="cbz" filetypes="cbz" player="Comics" />
                    <rule name="wma" filetypes="wma" player="audiodefaultplayer" />
                  <rule name="mp3" filetypes="mp3" player="audiodefaultplayer" />
                <rule name="url" filetypes="url" player="Firefox" />
              <rule name="pdf" filetypes="pdf" player="PDF" />
            <rule name="gp5" filetypes="gp5" player="Guitar" />
          <rule name="gp3" filetypes="gp3" player="Guitar" />
        <rule name="gp4" filetypes="gp4" player="Guitar" />
      <rule name="txt" filetypes="txt" player="wordpad" />
     <rule name="epub" filetypes="epub" player="Digital" />

I've tried looking on the forum and on Google, but I'm not sure how put a name on this problem. I also hope that this thread is on the right place.
Sorry for the bad english.