Windows 10 – Kodi has stopped working.

Previously i sent fully installed Kodi error log, which has blacklisted add-ons. Sorry for this, i have got the same error on fresh copy Kodi.

My Log File

My previous post was:

My laptop has two graphic cards. Intel® HD Graphics 3000 and Nvidia GT 540 M. When i started Kodi,Kodi crashes with error message "Kodi has stopped working." How can i fix the error? The last driver of the Intel 3000 is loaded on the Windows 10.

Kodi not launching properly on PC – Win Vista

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Krypton 10 seconds to switch stream, Jarvis 2 seconds

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Select Next

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Never ending scanning story


My pc Kodi v17.1 is never stopping to scan movies. Is this a known bug or what's going on?

What can I do?

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