Remotely control openelec, change artwork etc

Is there a way to remotely control openelec on my htpc using my phone or other computer? I want to remotely be able to change artwork and pictures, chsnge skin and plugins etc. The remotes like yatsee can not do this. I have a projector so I dont want ...

Can’t add new SMB for Win10 laptop

Hi all, Initially I configured the homegroup network with my old laptop (Windows 7) and shared several maps with the Raspberry Pi which is running Kodi. It all worked nicely. I had no login information on this laptop so I had to use the default xbmc/x...

Kodi on Sierra damaged statement

What do you do when you try to open Kodi for the first time and macOS comes back with "Kodi is damaged and cannot be opened. You should move it to the Trash."? Thanks for any help in advance... Dan

can find Install from zip?

Hi there folks ... i just downloaded Kodi on my samsung Tab S2, i was using and old computer but the video quality was shit so im trying my tablet. now i cant find the install from zip selection? where is it on the android

How to summarize movie files?

I am new to Kodi and I like it very much. Thank you for this great software! Everything is working fine but I have one annoying problem which I can't resolve. I have ripped some of my blu-rays with MakeMKV and put the resulting mkv files on my NAS to ...

Slight Stutter

Just switched to Krypton and haven't seen this issue prior, but there is a very slight stutter on occasion, noticeable when panning in movies. I also notice on occasion when starting a movie a message stating "read rate too slow" but there is no furth...

Ad-ons export

Hello, I wonder how I make for the smoothest shifting Kodi from our android box the new Nvidia Shield, it can save in any way, or must it add to all ad-ons, etc. again?

Losing some SMB Shares when waking from Sleep

So I have 3 instances of Kodi running in my home, all linked to a single SQL server. the two RPI's are fine, however, I have Kodi (upto date version) installed on my primary PC. All media is stored on a windows 10 box separate to any of the Kodi mac...

Ultra Slow video playback!!!!

Hello I have downloaded Kodi 17 at my bohdi 4.0.0 Linux laptop. But i have a big problem. Kodi plays videos stored in the laptop's local storage ultra slow. A black screen shows up, only with the cursor and the video does not play. https://drive.googl...

Files added to hard drive not showing up.

I have been having issues with kodi not finding files on my hard drive. It was working fine when I added files last month. I have added new episodes to my TV folder using the same naming convention as before. I have also added 10+ new movies to my movi...

Problem in dual screen detection

Hi I've installed XBMC on my personal computer (windows 7) and i've a dual screen configuration : My TV on VGA and my monitor on HDMI. When TV and monitor are turn on, if i start xbmc it start on the TV because i've specified in configuration that it ...

IR Remote / ir-table help — no EV-KEY event

Hello, I'm a noob trying to get an IR remote (Xbox 360 HD-DVD remote lying around) to work with Kodi. I'm running Kodi from RetroPie and I have a USB IR receiver. The USB IR receiver seems to work fine (the raspberry pi detects it with the mceusb dr...