Unable to install V17 on my MXQ (not pro)

Hi bought an MXQ box today and tried to update to Kodi 17 (from V15) but was only able to update to V16. I'm aslo running android 4.4.2. and tried to upgrade but I get the following error: "check your servier argent", I guess those two problems might...

Keeps scanning for channels

Hi, I'm using a Raspberry Pi 3 with Xbian installed. I use PVR IPTV Simple Client on it and it works great. There's just a couple of things that bug me. For starters every time I reboot it will scan the "client list" and all the channels again before...

Memory leak while playing video/stream

Hello I have a problem playing stream (.strm file, official provider's stream udp:// and also video recorded from this stream (video and audio copy). Kodi takes more and more RAM while playing and then OOM Killer closes kodi.bin pr...

First Scrap from a part of Foldername

Hi, I search a solution to use a part from foldername to scrap movie, but the old directory name should then be in the title. sabnzbd loads the nzb (original nzb name is bad.moms.2016.german.ts.md.x264-pso.nzb) i rename the nzb to "Bad Moms (2016)[T...

Video player menu off scale

I have a problem with the kodi 17, running on nvidia shield TV. The resolution is 1080p and everything fits perfectly on the screen...BUT, the meny that comes up when you play a video (Play, Pause, Stop, Subs etc etc..) is slightly larger and dosnt fit...

key mapping home button on air mouse remote

Having trouble key mapping the Home button on my new air mouse remote. I continue getting the following in the debug log Keyboard: scancode: 0x00, sym: 0x0000, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0 00:48:33 T:13572 DEBUG: CInputManager::OnKey: long-0 (0x1...

(SILVO) couple of questions…

Hi and thanks for this mod! I gotta couple of questions if Any one wants to help #1 I was just Wondering why i cant access the choose skin color? I click on it and Nothing happens... Any idea? Im using Silvo latest version installed from repo h...

Proposal – Improvements to Kodi Android app

Hi, I'm Santhanam SJ, a second year undergrad student. I would like to work on porting SPMC features to Kodi and improve the android experience of Kodi. Improvements to Kodi Android app Name: Santhanam SJ forum/e-mail: santa_sj / santhanam1997@gm...

Constant SMB Issues with Win10

Hi - I have Windows 10 Pro running on a NUC6CAYH. There are many shared media folders, primarily on my external 4TB USB 3.0 HDD. They are set to "Everyone - Full Control" because I couldn't give one half of a crap about security at this point (plus it's inside my personal network.)

Everything is hooked up via CAT6 Ethernet and gigabit Netgear switches across the house.

The drive is shared from the NUC via SMB to a Paragon-equipped Mac Mini hooked up to a TV in one room, and an Nvidia Shield TV in another room. I've been fighting this crap so long I've probably posted about it before.

All devices are using static IPs within the network for my own sanity. No connectivity issues with the NTFS-formatted USB 3.0 drive to the NUC.

It will run fine for days and days, and then I install something on the Mac and reboot... everything goes haywire. Sometimes it affects the Shield, more often the Mac.

When it does finally decide to connect, it's completely, totally random. I'll go to Finder, Go, Connect to server, smb:// sixty five times. 2 days later, It'll connect on the 4th try. W.T.F. There's no logic, no standard troubleshooting I can even begin to think of.

I downloaded some freeware package from http://www.jankamp.com that worked the first time. Now it says all shares are in perfect condition. No, they're not.

If there was a $500 piece of software that guaranteed share continuity in perpetuity that I could have up and running in the next 5 minutes with no fighting, no troubleshooting, no crap - just a simple install wizard, I would own it immediately. I have the full Paragon driver suite installed on Windows 10 and macOS Sierra, so that's not an issue.

The Nvidia Shield doesn't care what filesystem you're using.

Isn't it 2017? Why is this still happening? Not a clue where to go from here, and quite surprised that nobody seems to have cashed in on this obvious problem by coming up with some legit software to repair share issues and just run in the system tray or something. I know it's not just me - I've seen others mystified as well with intermittent Windows shares.

Help. Please.


Alexa Feature with Amazon…

My mom n step-dad would love to see the Alexa feature added to Kodi, since they are using the Amazon Fire Stick with Alexa. I believe that this would be a great feature to add to the remote on our phones, or on the Fire Stick. Is this a possibility?

Kodi Question

Hi I am running TX8 TV Box Android 6.0 2G 32G Amlogic S912 Octa core Android6.0 and I am running Jarvis 16.1 and every now and again while browsing through the different addons it kicks me out of Kodi and back to the main homepage on the android box...