video size not showing info on right side screen

I have a problem installing a file by zip. I go through all the steps until after approx 10 steps where I click the jarvis (16.1) and there it stops. My screen does not show an ok to click on and does not install. Tried going to home screen/display ...

Delete also Fanarts, Artists, Poster from HDD

If you delete a video file inside Kodi, there should be a check if there are fanarts, posters etc on hdd and a question if they can also be deleted. why: many user use external tools to download the pictures, or you export your db to hdd. Maybe this wo...

Gujarati Live Channel

Hey, I am new to Kodi and I come from an Indians Gujarati Family, I want to view Gujarati channels, can you provide me an addon that has live gujarati channels. I want channels like tv9 gujarati, etv gujarati and so on... Thanks! And also I want add...

Weather on Shelf, starting image

Hi. Is it possible to add weather on shelf permanently, if i move from TV show to Settings, for example I don't want always see weather. I used icon view. If it not possible, how i can disable icons on shelf. Next issue, when i am starting Kodi I can ...

renaming: one digit for episodes

Hi, I´m using tMM to prepare my media files for MediaPortal 2. I try to rename the files with tMM in the same way, MediaPortal (MP) does when recording an episode. Unfortunalety MP doesn´t format the number of the episode (e.g. episode 3 => 3) while tMM formats this number with parameter "$E" to a two-digit-number (e.g. episode 3 => 03). I couldn´t find a parameter for "at least 1 digit".

Could you please add an parameter for the episode-number without leading zeros?

Thank you

Question about PVR Channels API

Hi all, I wonder if it is possible to query the pvr information, like channels and peg from my addon? If it is, can you please share a code example of how to get a list of channels with information like: channel name, URL, icon etc. ... after searc...

Unable to scroll in scraper

Hello all, I am using CSFD scraper on Apptv skin and i am not able to scroll in information about movie. Confluence skin have navigation arrows. I am not sure if this is skin issue or scraper issue. Next issue, App skin use stars for rating films and c...

weird icon on screen

I'm not sure if this is the correct spot to post but what is this icon on the right-hand side of the screen. It only appears on certain links. I'm using build 17.1 on fire tv stick. watch gallery

Slow motion / Choppy Video Playback

Hello everyone, I really need some help. I have read all the threads on this subject, but my problems is I didn't understand any of the procedures some people have done to fix this problem. I have Mac Mini early 2009, 8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3, NVIDIA GeFor...

Kodi crashing just before loading a video

Hi I have installed Kodi 17.1 on my iPad Air 2 (jailbroken iOS 9.1) and everytime when I try to watch a video, it justs crash just before watching the video. I installed Kodi 16.1 and it's working well now, but I really want to update to 17.1. My iPho...

Reduce volume of UI sounds?

Is there any way to drop the volume of the UI sounds? I like them, but find them far too loud compared to the source material I'm listening to. If that's not possible within the interface, where are the actual sound files located so I can modify them i...

Stream to Humax Box

Hi, Newbie on here,, I,ve just set up a Network to view content on my TV from my PC.OS is Windows 10 and have Kodi 17 installed. My question is..Can I stream content from Kodi tyo my Humax Box via my PC? Many Thanks.

Fanarts disappear

I am running OSMC with Kodi 16 on a Rasperry Pi 3. Lately I had a power outage, and after booting the Pi up again, Kodi did not show any fanarts anymore. Everything else was okay, covers were showing, but just black background instead of the fanarts, n...