Upgrade wierdness

I upgraded all my windows machines to 17. The upgrade went fine. They all share the same MYSQL database (same advancedsettings.xml). For some reason they all, independently, keep track of their own progress through videos. That is, I can watch so...

Rom Collection Browser from Kodi built without X

I have Krypton running on Raspbian in EGL/OpenGL ES2 mode, that is to say fullscreen without X. Works very nice but I'm having trouble trying to launch emulators (Retroarch based) from RCB. The emulator has also been built to run without X and it works...

Downloading HTML file?

Hey I am fairly sure I am doing something simple wrong but when I go to download Kodi from http:kodi.tv/download it seems to be downloading a HTML file rather than that proper file Using Es File Explorer this is. Thank you so much for any help as I a...

Kodi always active

Hey there, For some reason my Kodi installation constantly remains active , i.e. the screensaver is never triggered. As a result, my TV always switches to the Kodi HMDI input instead of the TV source. This is, however, only desirable if I really want ...

operation not permitted problem

Hi All, I know this is an old issue but not found a satisfactory answer. Also I'm a total newb when it comes to using RPi and Kodi. I'm trying to connect my videos to my home windows smb network. When I first tried to connect I was prompted for a use...

Adjust screen resolution Kodi 17

Hi When playing a video or movie on kodi 17, it appears to be zoomed in to the top left of the picture. I can adjust it through the usual Systems / Settings / System / Video resolution, but when I back up out of the sub menus, it defaults back to the ...

Fire stick adware/malware removal. Help!

Not sure if this is the right place to post this but ill give it a shot. I just recently sideloaded kodi to my firestick using modbro. Well modbro added malware/adware to it. Pop ups come all the time and i couldnt even navigate. So i was able (barely)...

Kodi Krypton Music search not working

When searching for an artist or album in music mod, kodi finds the artist/album but there is no option to go further with the search and see the songs or albums of the artist nor play them. I've tried a mouse Click/Double Mouse click/Enter/tried to cli...

Embedded fonts in MKVs / ass subs buggy Kodi 17

Hi, since I upgraded to Kodi 17 (final) I have problem with fonts. Yes I did a clean install too, to be sure that addons are not interfering. What is the problem? Somestimes it works sometimes not. I mean something the correct font is displayed so...

Recording problem on UKipTV on Android box

Hi, I am a total novice with my Android box and only use video and Live TV. I have managed to sort out small issues that have occurred by following step by step guides on You Tube etc. However, today I have just got an issue that has appeared and n...

File Manager

I installed Kodi 17 on my iPad from the site https://chiaseacc.com. Then install went fine and the application launchs fine. Problem is, all instructions to add videos note to select File Manager from Settings, but File Manager selection is not shown. ...

Support for RetroGames in Kodi

Hi all, I would like to build in a few retro games into my Kodi UI. Is there a support section or an up to date tutorial on how to do this? At this point is there even a addon with an emulator in it?

change buffer size used before playback starts

Hi folks, I'm using two Kodi-clients to watch my media, one the using an ethernet cennection and one connects via WLAN. The first one works without any buffering trouble. When using the second one I need to pause the video myself, so that Kodi can cac...