VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting • VLC Windows DLNA Issue HTTP playback
I had some issues with SMB playback on Wifi. It was suggested to move to HTTP streaming, e.g. DLNA server. Thus I tried the proposed...
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
I had some issues with SMB playback on Wifi. It was suggested to move to HTTP streaming, e.g. DLNA server. Thus I tried the proposed...
This is just a very simple modification to the home screen, as I like to see the movie count grow over time as I rip...
UPDATE :- Thought it only fair to share, I relooked at the Script and a working machine and discovered that I needed to allocate the...
Hello Guys, I dont need support with addons / pirate movies. My problem is whenever I watch a series/a movie sometimes Kodi skipps some frames....
I’ve been doing some digging around online, but haven’t been able to find any proper solution, if one exists, only others with the same issue....
Reset the preferences and cache (the manual way) and try again:https://wiki.videolan.org/VSG:ResetPrefs But your custom skin might be the culprit. It’s not the skin as it...
On Windows, VLC uses the OS support for SMB. This is not suitable for streaming over high latency links because it cannot perform pipe-lining. VLC...
Sort of a rant. Some of the obvious media settings should not be skin dependent like. allowing the user to see the certifications of media....
ello I have a video converted by FFmpeg that has the format .wmv With me it played normally in version 3.0.21 final and nightly 3.0.21...
The play-and-pause option will pause at the end of each track Statistics: Posted by Rémi Denis-Courmont — 26 Jun 2024 17:18
VLC can only use SOCKS for a few protocols, and not for HTTP. Statistics: Posted by Rémi Denis-Courmont — 26 Jun 2024 17:21
Nope!Issue still persists 1) Download this video ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R1QA3d … sp=sharing )2) Play3) Go to fullscreen [F/doubleclick video]4) Pause5) Wait some seconds, 2/5 seconds (repeat...
Hello everyone, the updater in VLC (Windows) is (again) not working as it should.A 3.0.18 updates to 3.0.20 instead of the current 3.0.21.If one manually...
Reset the preferences and cache (the manual way) and try again:https://wiki.videolan.org/VSG:ResetPrefs But your custom skin might be the culprit. Statistics: Posted by Lotesdelere — 26...
If I use the standard Kodi player, what video, audio, subtitle and mux formats can I safely expect to always work without issues? I have...