Kodi Omega 21.0 on Google Play Store
I can’t find Kodi Omega 21.0 on Google Play Store. Am I expecting it too soon? I think I got noticed a while ago within Kodi, ...
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
I can’t find Kodi Omega 21.0 on Google Play Store. Am I expecting it too soon? I think I got noticed a while ago within Kodi, ...
hi everyone, I just installed kodi on my new smarphone, I’m under android 14. I installed the addon catch-up-tv-and-more, all channels in French replays does...
I am trying to add the TV show Fawlty Towers to Kodi v21 on Windows 11. I have the series organized according to the recommended...
While current MAT packer for TrueHD works really very well, I have found some rare cases (0.1%) that may produce non-compliant bitstream, especially related to seamless...
Hi, My remote Amazon Luna works in my nvidia shield, works with kodi Nexus, but not work with Omega 21. How-to setting please. thank’s
Hello together, i tried to find a thread with same problem/question but wasn’t able to. is it samehow possible to prefer 1 source over the...
Hi, I upgraded to the lastest and greatest version 21.0 DB conversion etc. went well. Added two different Blade Runner versions: Director’s Cut and Final...
Quote:DialogSelect.xml – existing dialog No changes necessary as the default layout will be used with no changes to the skin. However to allow for custom...
https://kodi.wiki/view/InfoLabels Is there a missing value for “source”. In Media Companion, source is to select “bluray”, “DVD”, “WEBDL” etc. In my media flag retooling, I...
hello _BJ1 – than you for quick fix for missing labels in wall view. if possible, please consider this request for fixing the following below...
Need some help please, I have added the skin and everything is fine, how can I connect real debrid to watch movies and shows?
Hi there, I don’t mean to be bothersome, but what’s the best way to create a custom channel for PseudoTV? Or where can I find...
kodi v21 flatpak/linux fails to launch/exec, ERROR: “‘this->recurse > 0’ failed at ../src/pipewire/thread-loop.c:62 do_unlock()” i’ve read _old_ pipewire/pulseaudio issues @ GH; unclear if related here,...
Is there a way to install Kodi v21 on a Pi4 with Bookworm (Lite)? I have tried with Flatpak, but it seems that the package...
I recently installed Kodi 21 on my Sony TV and found that subtitles are not displaying on the video’s black bars but on the image....