getSettings of the skin from python

Hello everyone, I need to read the value of a skin setting from an addon. I thought xbmcaddon.Addon(‘skin.estuary’).getSetting(‘hide_mediaflags’) was going to work, but it doesn’t,...

RunScript and PlayMedia issue

I try to run a python script in favourites.xml as in         <favourite name=”MusicSlideshow” thumb=”image.jpg”>RunScript(</favourite>         in order to have a...

Kodi Start up

Po úspešnej inštalácii a nastavení aplikácie KODI na vašom Android TV sa aplikácia TCL40S5200 už nedá spustiť vôbec. Obrazovka stmavne a po dlhej chvíli sa...


Hi\ I have a tablet, and it has android on it. Now I downloaded the KODI app from the google play store and installed it...

Kodi on Ubunt

I installed Ubuntu on my NUC today. Everything went well, but now I wanted to install Kodi, which doesn’t work at all. I have found...