Kodi shuts off when conecting bluethoot ps5 controler
Im having some trouble with kodi I have updated it to the lates version. As soon as i connect my ps5 controller it shuts off....
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Im having some trouble with kodi I have updated it to the lates version. As soon as i connect my ps5 controller it shuts off....
El addon Black And White Movies en Kodi es un complemento de video en donde podremos encontrar contenido de películas antiguas en blanco y negro...
Hello everyone, I need to read the value of a skin setting from an addon. I thought xbmcaddon.Addon(‘skin.estuary’).getSetting(‘hide_mediaflags’) was going to work, but it doesn’t,...
El addon vStream en Kodi es un complemento de video en donde podremos encontrar contenido de tv, películas y series en idioma francés. Cuanta con...
Hi, I’ve read about airplay, but it’s hard to manage. Any chance to output on HLS or UDP, rtsp, or any other know protocol? Thank...
I try to run a python script in favourites.xml as in <favourite name=”MusicSlideshow” thumb=”image.jpg”>RunScript(my_python_script.py)</favourite> in order to have a...
Po úspešnej inštalácii a nastavení aplikácie KODI na vašom Android TV sa aplikácia TCL40S5200 už nedá spustiť vôbec. Obrazovka stmavne a po dlhej chvíli sa...
How do you enable trailers in the IOS app when you click trailers nothing happens
I have several movies that have directors commentary. I forget which movie over time. I know how to switch but is there a mark or...
I’m using Raspberry pi5 Running kodi 20.3 On libreELEC 11.0.6 Above is a video of the issue I’m facing. I have dealt with this issue...
Hi\ I have a tablet, and it has android on it. Now I downloaded the KODI app from the google play store and installed it...
I have a Bee Link GT Pro King and I wish to upgrade to Omega. I am using nexus 2.0 I think. I want to...
I installed Ubuntu on my NUC today. Everything went well, but now I wanted to install Kodi, which doesn’t work at all. I have found...
hi i made a remote to control my kodi laptop from my phone.i send ssh commands to launch and stop kodi and this has allways...
Hi, I want to see if I can easy create a another TV Show in my kodi? I did google and did find this thread...