Android box upnp sleep problem?

Im using my M8S box as the main UPNP server in one room and set everything up fine. When I put the box into standby with the remote I can still access the files fine for a while but then all the devices I have that can access it just stop seeing the ma...

The Paper Street Soap Company

The name really has my interest... I have look all over for a screenshot shot... Does anyone have one just to settle my curiosity? I would love to see what it looked like even if it was never released.

textbox multiple colors or style

Hello, Can I somehow differentiate text in a controlTextbox? For example I want some of the text to be bold/different color/underlined/any differernt and some of it regular in one textbox? Like this: ------------------------------------------------...

password info needed

1st of please accept apologies As I did not intentionally set out to breach any site rules. however is there a kodi add-on that would allow me to password any particular video stream.

Kodi 17.1 starts flickering and freezes after 1 minute

Hi, I upgraded Kodi to 17.1 and noticed that after starting up Kodi, it starts flickering and freezes up to a point that I have to terminate it from the TaskManager. I uninstalled it and deleted my profile folder and re-installed it without any ...

mecool KIII PRO

how do i update my MECOOL KIII PRO from the 17 rc version to the 17.1 or do i even need to do a update. sorry if this sounds stupid but i am very very new to KODI this is why i am at this fourm

Problem with FPS in Kodi for Android

I have an imported Android media player box that has worked fine.It came with Kodi 16.1 pre-installed, but I was dumb to try and update it to 17.1 which made things worse. To not loose all my settings, I followed a guide for that: http://bestforkodi.c...

No System icon

Hi Folks, I've installed Kodi 17.1 on a Windows7 laptop. On the home screen, I don't have a System icon. An

window property in animation

Basically what the title says i want to make sure I am not doing something wrong. I have a window property of I want to use as a static variable in a animation. Simply put Animation effect slide start 00 end window property,0 some condition Is th...

annoying blinking icon always there

Hi folks, I have this annoying icon in the top center of my kobi screen that will not go away. It is an almost complete circle with a speaker icon inside. Can you tell me what i am doing wrong? Thanks

Trying to upgrade to KODI 17.1 Krypton

I have a MBox running Android v6.0.1. It has KODI 16.1 Jarvis and I am trying to upgrade to KODI 17.1. I am using adblink to load the apk file. I keep getting this error: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS] I have tried all three apk files x86, ...

Spotify Playlist – Music Videos

Hi everyone. Does an add-on like this exist at the moment. Specifically if I play a playlist on my spotify account and on my kodi it plays the accompanying music video?

Question about add-on driving menu

I just tried the CDTV Infusion buildand I like how it suggests movies and when you select the movie there is all kinds of information. I would like to install whatever add-on powers that but install it without installing the entire theme. Does anyone...