Pop up ads on Kodi every 5 mins

Could someone please help me, when I watch movies on kodi I am getting pop up ads every 5 mins and don't know what to do. I've tried a fresh start and it's still not working, IT'S SO ANNOYING any help would be greatly appreciated!

doing a 17.1 update from 16.1

I have an Amazon Firestick that had Kodi 16.1 installed. I keep getting a message that I need to upgrade to 17.1. I have looked at various Youtubes, one specifically for an update as opposed to a first time install. When I go to the Kodi website thr...

Running full screen @ 720p

Hi Due to a hardware failure I've had to move my Kodi setup to a new machine. I was running at 720p so that I could display Kodi on my HD TV and a old 4:3 monitor, this was working fine. I've tried to recreate the same setup on the new system but wh...

Pop up ads on Kodi every 5 mins

Can someone please help to tell me how to install ad blocker on Jodi as every 5 mins or so I am getting an annoying pop up ad that just won't go way, PLEASE HELP

Wow — Kodi 17.1 What an Upgrade

I just let my Raspberry Pi 2 automatically do its upgrade and was surprised by the major interface changes that have happened from the previous version I was running last week vs. what just happened today. I was unpleasantly surprised about the many c...

Cyclone X 4

Hello to anyone on here who could possibly point me in the right direction to sorting out my android tv box (sumvision cyclone X 4) I've had trouble free viewing for almost 2 yrs .. the other day when I switched on all I got is the SUMVISION logo on bl...

Audio but no video in 4K

I have Nvidia shield with Kodi 17.1. Everything works perfectly, except with I play a 4K movie I get 5.1 or DTS sound but no video? If I use my Minix U1 I get 4K video. I have swapped the HDMI cable, reviewed setting to make sure they are the same b...


so long story short. I got a Zidoo x6 about a year ago and did all the install. but my internet sucked to I just never used it. I got my router replaced so I plugged it in and loved it. then I got the message to upgrade to kodi 17 and everything went ...

can not get some streams to play

I tried to play some older threads and it tells me to visit http://qwe.as/21208782 . after I downloaded the extention into chrome the thread still does not play . can anyone tell me what to do?[/size]

Problem with Widgets Contantly refreshing

When On Kodi 16.1 and using the Titan Skin, The widgets never refreshed on their own after Kodi was up and running. Now on Kodi 17.1 using the 3.7.59 Beta skin, every time I play a movie, the widgets refresh again. I don't mind waiting on the Kodi init...

Kodi on Xbox one

Now that the ground work had been laid for kodi as a UWP, is there a plan or timeline to bring it back home on the Xbox one?

Default Icons, can we have them make sense?

All the upper nodes in the music library are set to use DefaultNetwork.png (why?) even though there are icons available for all of them like DefaultRecentlyaddedAlbums.png for example The same goes for the video library. In movies, all nodes are set t...

Trying to install my new mygica box

I am sorry if i am posting on the wrong spot. I got a new Mygica box and trying to install Kodi, but i after i install it took me to a page asking me to enter files section. Not the usual page to add source.. Can someone help with an idea to get to w...