Scanning on 17.3 / two options?

Sometimes when a movie doesnt get scanned for wotever reason, or I want to add one without complete lib update. I navigate to the folder, and call up context menu. I (sometimes?) see two similar options: "scan for new content" and "scan to library". Wh...

Apple TV4 ios App Singer

Hi All, Was wondering if someone could help me? I am looking at installing Kodi onto my Apple TV 4 but i am getting an issue with the IOS App signer. I have followed all the steps in Xcode but when i get to the ios App singer, the provisioning profi...

Questions about track naming template

Been fiddling around with the Audio Tag File Naming Template and have a few questions: What role does putting the brackets around %N. play? Doesn't seem to make any difference? Except, when I try to bold the artist like this: [%N.] [%A] It doesn't ...

Krypton “ShowTime” action not work

Action "SHOWTIME" does not work in Krypton. It works on kodi before Jarvis. Is it removed from Krypton? ex. keyboard.xml It is not displayed even by pressing pageup. PHP Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><keymap> &...

Kodi won’t open after latest updates

Kodi won't open after latest updates: ############### STACK TRACE ################# =====> Core file: /home/dante/core (2017-06-01 19:55:13.561959595 +0100) ========================================= [New LWP 4052] [New LWP 4055] [New LWP 4...

Another remote question.

I have a a RPI and KODI works. As it is only a 2B(+?) I am not flogging it too hard. But I am stuck with the remote control part of things. It is connected to a network and I can control it from my phone via the NETWORK. There is a bluetooth option...

No stream available

Hello I tried to watch a show. Kodi tried to play, then it said " No stream available". What should I do next? How can I make the show streaming? Do I need to find different repo to see if there is an available show? I am using Kodi Krypton windows ...

Directory for custom keyboard layout

I would like to place my custom Thai keyboard layout on my kodi for android , anyone can tell me which directory to place this new keyboard layout file(xml) Kamoot Sent from my iPad (typie typie)

Gamestarter Not Working

Hi, All, I've been using XBMC/Kodi for years but this is my first time installing and using on Raspberry Pi 3. Got KODI working perfectly and installed Gamestarter. Can't get Gamestarter to seem to work. I enabled the advanced emulation thing in Li...

Black Glass nova

Help I just installed glass nova on my Apple TV 4 and no menus or anything. All I can do is exit Jodi and nothing else

Resume Not Working With MKV Files

I've set the default select action in Kodi to resume, but when when I play an MKV file to a certain point, stop it, and then play it again, it starts from zero instead of from where I left off at. What am I doing wrong? It worked before with the pre-...