Replacement for WDTV box
The files will be on portable prives or memory sricks so usb inputs will be needed
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
The files will be on portable prives or memory sricks so usb inputs will be needed
I cannot see any evidence that VLC has not disabled VA-API. Debian’s documentation under 5.2.3 … on.en.html Statistics: Posted by Vidcomp — 14 Jun 2024...
I discovered a player for TV set-top boxes – Vimu Media Player. It solved ALL the problems described in this topic! 1. MPEG2 and VOB...
If you’re using NVIDIA drivers, that’s a known issue with starting up their user-space drivers. Statistics: Posted by Rémi Denis-Courmont — 14 Jun 2024 17:29
Hi, I am running Ubuntu 24 on a Beeline ser5. I feel like I have been through every single search result online but I’m still...
You will, once it’s tested. We have almost one and an half year of change that have been used by almost no one so we...
Code: mkv debug: | | + Track Entrymkv debug: | | | + Track Number=3mkv debug: | | | + Track UID=f42c3492mkv debug: | |...
Hi, I’m trying to build my first add-on which involves scraping a website and getting video information. I’d like to be able to define a...
Local filename could be found in “URI” column, for local files it will look like full path name with “file:////” prefix. Since – columns are...
Hi, i’m triyng to play a videos playlist from command line using this command: Code: cvlc -f --no-video-title-show /home/admin/playlist.xspf But the first video is shown...
Thanks for the response. My answers: 1. It’s a fairly new phone; hardware is not likely to be an issue.2. When this first started occurring,... Then download it from the most recent folder which should be at the top of the list. Statistics: Posted by Lotesdelere — 14 Jun...
Odd Question, I know. But is there a way in VLC to hold my iPad vertically and have the video display across top of screen...
You will, once it’s tested. We have almost one and an half year of change that have been used by almost no one so we...
I meant “uncheck”, my bad as it’s activated by default. The nightly beta builds use SMB2 and 3, so this should be the standard and...