Free Music Streaming Addons
Hi there, Are there any free Music Streaming Addons out there without the need for an premium account? Spotify and Deezer need Premium. What about Soundcloud, I think there is an Addon for Kodi too... Bane
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Hi there, Are there any free Music Streaming Addons out there without the need for an premium account? Spotify and Deezer need Premium. What about Soundcloud, I think there is an Addon for Kodi too... Bane
I am building a Linux-based HTPC for a friend who has been very impressed by my Kodi-PC. I am specifically looking for suggestions for a recommended video card. I have had the best luck myself with an NVIDIA card (dual HDMI outputs including CEC an...
I am receiving an error code telling me to check the file log, I am clueless on how I need to fix this and this is my first time posting on any forum so I am not sure how this works. The instruction I received is to describe my problem and leave this u...
Hi, I would like to know the word length/bit depth that is used for internal processing used for replaygain/resampling Thanks!
I have MP1.15 and Kodi 16.1 on one machine (server), and Kodi 16.1 on a second machine (remote client) on the same wired network. When I choose to record something from the EPG on the server, I get the option to change how often that recording happens...
Alright I'm about to pull my hair out. I use the Sybu app for controlling Kodi. All of the sudden it no longer connects nor 'finds' my Kodi devices. I have 2 Amazon Fires and a Pivos XS. I also used the old XBMC one as well as the app for Amazon Rem...
Prune Ended Shows
A Script To Move Ended TVShows
I have written a script in bash that will move all TVShows with the status "Ended" to a separate directory. I find this useful because I have over 700 TVShows in my library, and I have noticed that this amount of files increases scan time when performing library updates.
To use this script you will need to first export your library into separate files, this will create the necessary nfo files that this script needs. Please note that this script requires you to use TheTVDB as a scraper!
You will also need to create a secondary directory to store TVShows that are no longer airing. I chose to call this folder "TVShows (Old)".
Next, use the script to move all your ended TVShows to your secondary directory. Make sure that you modify the script to work with your paths! I also suggest using your own API key for TheTVDB! Note that you can also easily customize the path of the logfile.
# System readable timestamp
Date=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
# Human readable timestamp
Time=`date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S`
# Path to log file
# If file does not exist, it will be created
# Path to TVShows
# Path to Ended TVShows
MyEndedTVShowPath=~/TVShows\ \(Old\)/
# API key
touch "${MyLog}"
echo "${Time} - Started Processing Directory: ${MyTVShowPath}" >> "${MyLog}"
# Get list of TVShows
MyTVShowRegex="$(echo "${MyTVShowPath}" | sed -e 's/\//\\\//g')"
MyTVShowList="$(ls --format=single-column -d ${MyTVShowPath}*/ | sed -e 's/'"${MyTVShowRegex}"'//g')"
echo "The Following TVShows will be processed:" >> "${MyLog}"
echo "${MyTVShowList}" >> "${MyLog}"
IFS=$'\n' read -rd '' -a MyTVShowArray <<< "$MyTVShowList"
for ThisTVShowPath in "${MyTVShowArray[@]}"; do
# Create temp file
touch "${MyTVShowPath}${ThisTVShowPath}tmp.nfo"
# Get TVShow ID from tvshow.nfo
echo "Processing ${ThisTVShowPath}" >> "${MyLog}"
ThisTVShowID="$(grep -hi "\<id\>" "${MyTVShowPath}${ThisTVShowPath}tvshow.nfo" | sed -e 's/\(\s\)\{0,\}<\/\?id>//g')"
#Make URL
# Download TVShow URL to temp file
echo "Downloading MetaData from ${ThisTVShowURL}" >> "${MyLog}"
wget -q "${ThisTVShowURL}" -O "${MyTVShowPath}${ThisTVShowPath}tmp.nfo"
# Parse Temp NFO for status
ThisTVShowStatus="$(grep -hi "\<status\>" "${MyTVShowPath}${ThisTVShowPath}tmp.nfo" | sed -e 's/\(\s\)\{0,\}<\/\?Status>//g')"
echo "Status of ${ThisTVShowPath}: ${ThisTVShowStatus}" >> "${MyLog}"
if [ "${ThisTVShowStatus}" == "Ended" ]; then
echo "Moving files..." >> "${MyLog}"
mv -fv "${MyTVShowPath}${ThisTVShowPath}" "${MyEndedTVShowPath}" >> "${MyLog}"
# Clean up temp files
echo "Cleaning up temp files" >> "${MyLog}"
rm -fv "${MyEndedTVShowPath}"*/ >> "${MyLog}"
rm -fv "${MyTVShowPath}"*/tmp.nfo >> "${MyLog}"
# Finished
echo "Processing Complete" >> "${MyLog}"
I'm experiencing this issue since quite some time (probably since I installed v17) where the playback would just stop randomly when playing videos. It can happen 2 - 3 times when watching a TV show, or sometimes not at all. Tonight was really bad, I wa...
Hello, I am working on firmware for mediaplayer based on Amlogic CPU. This firmware in fact is Linux with Kodi as GUI. I am using libamcodec to play video with hardware acceleration. And I have some problems on new Amlogic hardware - http://trac.kodi....
Is it possible for Super Favourites to look slightly different - by having the Create new Super Folder in the context menu for a given Super Folder and not as the first item in the list within the folder? Then the blank line would not be needed and the...
I may well be mis-understanding exactly how all the default key mapping works, but if I am understanding correctly would the team please consider removing the keymapping from remote.xml for the info button when on the home screen. As Krypton now suppo...
#EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1,-- beIN_Sports_HD ARAB -- #EXTINF:-1,AR:BeinSport-News #EXTINF:-1,AR:beIN_Sports_1_HD
#EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1,Hustler HD #EXTINF:-1,p.e #EXTINF:-1,Redlight HD