#EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1,Android-Latino http://www.android-latino.com #EXTINF:-1,Canal 2 HD http://freedom.duki.me/LIVE/H01/CANAL102/PROFILE05.m3u8 #EXTINF:-1,AZ CLICK http://freedom.duki.me/LIVE/H01/CANAL103/PROFILE05.m3u8 #EXTINF:-1,Foro TV http://freedom.duki.me/LIVE/H01/CANAL104/PROFILE05.m3u8 #EXTINF:-1,Canal 5 HD http://freedom.duki.me/LIVE/H01/CANAL105/PROFILE05.m3u8 #EXTINF:-1,7 HD http://freedom.duki.me/LIVE/H01/CANAL107/PROFILE05.m3u8 #EXTINF:-1,Gala TV http://freedom.duki.me/LIVE/H01/CANAL109/PROFILE05.m3u8 #EXTINF:-1,Once TV http://freedom.duki.me/LIVE/H01/CANAL111/PROFILE05.m3u8 #EXTINF:-1,TRECE HD http://freedom.duki.me/LIVE/H01/CANAL113/PROFILE05.m3u8 #EXTINF:-1,Proyecto 40 HD http://freedom.duki.me/LIVE/H01/CANAL140/PROFILE05.m3u8 #EXTINF:-1,Cadena 3 http://freedom.duki.me/LIVE/H01/CANAL143/PROFILE05.m3u8 #EXTINF:-1,UNOMASUNO http://freedom.duki.me/LIVE/H01/CANAL145/PROFILE05.m3u8 #EXTINF:-1,TeleFórmula http://freedom.duki.me/LIVE/H01/CANAL161/PROFILE05.m3u8 #EXTINF:-1,Multimedios Monterrey http://freedom.duki.me/LIVE/H01/CANAL167/PROFILE05.m3u8 #EXTINF:-1,H http://freedom.duki.me/LIVE/H01/CANAL169/PROFILE05.m3u8 #EXTINF:0,FOX http://freedom.duki.me/LIVE/H01/CANAL201/PROFILE05.m3u8 #EXTINF:0,SONY http://freedom.duki.me/LIVE/H01/CANAL203/PROFILE05.m3u8 #EXTINF:0,WARNER HD http://freedom.duki.me/LIVE/H01/CANAL205/PROFILE05.m3u8 #EXTINF:0,UNIVERSAL Read More →

can’t update library with JSON using bash script

Not entirely sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying to execute a command to run a library scan when I add a new file into a directory.


scandata="\"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", \"method\": \"VideoLibrary.Scan\", \"id\": \"mybash\",\"params\":{\"directory\":\"smb://<IPofSMBServer>/media/tvshows/General/$showname\"}"

scancurlresult=$(curl --data-binary "{$scandata}" -H 'content-type: application/json;' http://user:pass@<kodiIPaddress>:80/jsonrpc)

I know I need some debug logs, but I'm wondering if there is some syntax I'm missing.

HD Audio

I understand Kodi Krypton supports HD Audio passthrough. I am using Kodi on Android TV 5.1.1. When playing a video with DTS MA-HD track I can choose the HD audio track in the Kodi control and HD Audio is also shown in the Kodi metadata of the playing v...

Poor quality audio from analogue line out

I've got Kodi running on a Linux box connected to my TV via HDMI - I've configured Pulse Audio to allow simultaneous output to both HDMI and the analogue out on the motherboard which works brilliantly (both perfectly in sync which is great) BUT the out...

iptv free channels 14.09.2016

#EXTM3U#EXTINF:-1,Sky Sport 1 HDhttp://,National Geographic HDhttp://,ZDF HDhttp://,VOXhttp://,SuperRTLhttp://,SkySport AUSTRIAhttp://,ORF Einshttp://,Kabel 1http://,NAhttp://,SkySPORT 2 HDhttp://,SkySPORT 1 HDhttp://,N/Ahttp://,N/Ahttp://,N/Ahttp://,EX YU: Arena Sport 1 (SR),EX YU: Arena Sport 2 (SR),EX YU: Arena Sport 3 (SR),EX YU: Arena Sport 4 (SR),EX YU: Arena Sport 5 (SR),EX YU: Arena Sport 1 HD (HR),EX YU: Arena Sport 2 HD (HR),EX YU: Arena Sport 3

iptv free channels 14.09.2016

#EXTM3U#EXTINF:-1,Sky Sport 1 HDhttp://,National Geographic HDhttp://,ZDF HDhttp://,VOXhttp://,SuperRTLhttp://,SkySport AUSTRIAhttp://,ORF Einshttp://,Kabel 1http://,NAhttp://,SkySPORT 2 HDhttp://,SkySPORT 1 HDhttp://,N/Ahttp://,N/Ahttp://,N/Ahttp://,EX YU: Arena Sport 1 (SR),EX YU: Arena Sport 2 (SR),EX YU: Arena Sport 3 (SR),EX YU: Arena Sport 4 (SR),EX YU: Arena Sport 5 (SR),EX YU: Arena Sport 1 HD (HR),EX YU: Arena Sport 2 HD (HR),EX YU: Arena Sport 3… Read More »

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