VLC for Android and Chrome OS • Re: Suddenly can’t browse LAN
VLC 3.5.4 did mention that it had made several enhancements regarding remote access. Your Nightly would be 3.6.0 Beta 2, which would have those enhancements....
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
VLC 3.5.4 did mention that it had made several enhancements regarding remote access. Your Nightly would be 3.6.0 Beta 2, which would have those enhancements....
Hello, Just updated to Kodi 21 and I am not getting Dolby Vision to work on the latest Dolby Sheild Pro. Anything I need to...
As title says VLC shows the rtsp stream from my webcam as a zoomed in square not showing the whole picture. I had the same...
VLC 3.5.4 did mention that it had made several enhancements regarding remote access. Your Nightly would be 3.6.0 Beta 2, which would have those enhancements....
Hi folks, Looks like building my own Kodi endpoint devices is done. I have a nice Silverstone HTPC case with the usual “stuff” in it...
AFAIK the only way is to reset the preferences (the manual way):https://wiki.videolan.org/VSG:ResetPrefs Thanks, I’ll give that a go. It doesn’t look like the CRF has...
Why is the KODI 21 package not available in the official repository? https://launchpad.net/~team-xbmc/+archiv…lter=jammy
I had to completely uninstall VLC, then reinstall it (the most recent nightly version). When I launched it and went to Local Network, it asked...
Lemme request this once again in 2024 then Statistics: Posted by hamcha — 16 Apr 2024 16:05
I have rebooted again, and this time it finxed the issue. lol thanks Statistics: Posted by winman42 — 16 Apr 2024 14:35
Reinstall VLC. Statistics: Posted by Lotesdelere — 16 Apr 2024 13:08
Hello, Since last upgrade, i’m unable to have any sound. In the sound parameters, i have only one choice: Default, Default Output Device (PIPEWIRE). I...
Please run VLC from the command prompt with this command line for creating a log file: Code: C:\path\to\vlc\vlc.exe --extraintf=logger --verbose=2 --logfile=C:\temp\vlc.log --logmode=text --file-logging and then...
Okay I reset the preferences and sadly it is still the same issue.By the way I recognized that once I press ESC when the error...
Hail all: OS:Win 11 Enterprise x64, v: 22H2, b: 22621.3447VLC:VLC 3.0.16 VetinariReason for older version:Newer versions change UI layout that I use. For the past...