BioScope Live
Any addon for this would be nice!
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Any addon for this would be nice!
Hi, I wonder if someone could help with an USB sound problem. I have a sudden loss of sound due to my speakers being switched off. My system consists of:- USB KEF egg speakers Windows 7 ultimate x64bit Kodi 17.3 The problem I have is that when I'm ...
I am getting the following error each time I start Kodi: On-Tapp.EPG- 3.9.92 Failed to verify your credentials, do you wish to............? I have searched the addons I have installed and On-Tapp is not among them. I suspect some other addon must have...
Just trying to reconcile all of the movies that I have on my server. I have been using TMM as a way of managing everything and ensuring that I have all of the correct metadata in place. At the moment however I can't get TMM to see all my movies. I ...
Stream live tv from my Dreambox800se to my idevices(iphone 6s/ipad mini 2/ipad air 2), ios versions including 10.2(jailbroken) and 10.3.1(unjailbroken). The same issue happen on all my idevices. No matter the streaming is SD or HD, I have to turn the ...
Hi Guys, There is a legal / subscription based sports site available that im a registered user on android but would love to access via a video add-on similar to my eurosport player subscription. Is it ok to post the website to see if someone could cr...
I get to the first run installation then nothing. I've uninstalled rebooted factory reset deleted the add-on's file. I need help please. Running a firestick fire OS
Hi all maybe I`m not the last was ask about that but i stuck about this a some mounth i just want to show the RSS Feed (slideshow) on the bottom line of the screen all the time even if i play videos i uses right now with RSSPOPUP addon but i cann...
Help - I continually get no streaming available. Why is this?
Hi, Just got a llittle issue with latest kodi 18 nightly and mark as watched/mark as unwatched First, I want to say that it works in library mode. The issue is outside of the library mode As you can see on this screenshot, I got an "in progress file...
There are a ton of posts like his one: . The poster is either a troll or they are using minimum effort to report a problem hoping that someone will either come back with a fix, or will set out in detail w...
#EXTINF:-1,Italia: Rai 1 HD #EXTINF:-1,Italia: Rai 2 HD #EXTINF:-1,Italia: Rai 3 HD #EXTINF:-1,Italia: Rete 4 HD #EXTINF:-1,Italia: Canale 5 HD #EXTINF:-1,Italia: Italia 1 HD #EXTINF:-1,Italia: La 7 #EXTINF:-1,Italia: Rsi La 1 HD #EXTINF:-1,Italia: Rsi La 2 HD #EXTINF:-1,Italia: Mediaset Extra #EXTINF:-1,•●★-SKY CINEMA★●• #EXTINF:-1,Italia: SKY… Read More »
#EXTINF:-1,Al Oula - Arab #EXTINF:-1,Al Oula Inter - Arab #EXTINF:-1,2M Maroc - Arab #EXTINF:-1,Arriadia - Arab #EXTINF:-1,Arrabia - Arab #EXTINF:-1,Al Maghribia - Arab #EXTINF:-1,Assadissa - Arab #EXTINF:-1,Assabia - Arab #EXTINF:-1,Tamazight - Arab #EXTINF:-1,Medi 1 TV - Arab #EXTINF:-1,AR: Tele Maroc #EXTINF:-1,Al Oula HD -… Read More »
I've read a bunch of threads related to these issues so I apologize because I'm sure the answer is out there, I just can't seem to find it or figure out exactly what I need to do. Issue is this: when watching live TV, non-HD broadcasts are interlaced....