17 rc1 crash

Getting a crash on both 17 and the new 17.1 rc1. Had to enable logging manually. http://pastebin.com/MgaMCvf8 Debugger says heap corruption.

Unable to connect

Can someone please help me. I am trying to install the echocoder.com/repo and kodi no limits magic and i keep getting an error unable to connect. I have searched YouTube and the Internet but nothing is working. Please help

Really slow library update

I recently aquired two RaspI 3's for entertainment purposes. 1 of the 2 takes a very, very longtime to update the library. They are identical, both running the latest version of Openelec. Except, different brands of SD Cards. The libraries in question...

Problem loading PseudoTV 0.8.0f

I know there haven't been any updates to PseudoTV Live since 0.8.0f, but ever since Krypton was released I've been getting an error during load that says, "Extendedinfo Script Error" and to check the logs for details. It looks like the ExtendedInfo sc...

PseudoTV Live and Krypton compatibility

Does PseudoTV Live work with Kodi Krypton 17.1? I'm aware the new version of Kodi is out, but am afraid to upgrade because I don't want to ruin my current setup. Thanks to anyone who can help. Dan

M3U8 problems…

So i'm working on an addon that would read a list of m3u8 links that would stay up to date and streams them on kodi. I'm currently stuck trying to figure out why certain m3u8s will play fine and others won't.. for example: Code: