PseudoTV Live and Krypton compatibility

Does PseudoTV Live work with Kodi Krypton 17.1? I'm aware the new version of Kodi is out, but am afraid to upgrade because I don't want to ruin my current setup. Thanks to anyone who can help. Dan

M3U8 problems…

So i'm working on an addon that would read a list of m3u8 links that would stay up to date and streams them on kodi. I'm currently stuck trying to figure out why certain m3u8s will play fine and others won't.. for example: Code:

Is My All in One Dream Possible?

Hi and apologies if this is in the wrong thread but didn't see anywhere else suitable (feel free to move) I am wondering and hoping is this is possible? Hoping to achieve a all in one front end using Kodi (the greatest program ever made) that will ...

Tuners marked disabled

Was watching live TV when the picture froze. After some investigation and reboots, I'm getting an error that is marking all 3 of my HDHR tuners as "disabled" in ServerWMC. They show up OK with the web status page and live TV works via the HDHR View app...

Media information missing?

Hello, Sorry if this has already been answered but i've searched over and over again, couldn't find answer to this. Downloaded Metropolis skin, beautiful, but my local library media information is missing, see image below: What is wrong? Also, when...

Multiple movie thumbnails for the same movie

I have ripped my entire dvd collection using makemkv. Most is not all generated multiple tittles... For example. movie 300.. created 300_t00.mkv 300_t01.mkv 300_t02.mkv Some movies have 20 or more titles.. Each movie has its own folder. I am run...

No videos play

I have an old computer that I converted from Wondows XP to Linux Mint 18.1. The only add on I have enabled on mint is restricted extras. I was having problems with Kodi yesterday so I did fresh start and uninstalled then reinstalled Kodi 17.1. The on...