[bug?] Window.IsVisible / Window.IsActive


Is there a bug with Window.IsVisible / Window.IsActive condition?
I tried both for animation, and always get the same result. -> the animation starts on next window.

Kodi Version: Kodi 17.0-RC1 Git:20161225-f4e69a4-dirty
OS: Win7 64bit

It’s a zoom animation for MuteBug from “DialogVolumeBar.xml”

<control type="group">
    <animation effect="zoom" start="100" end="200" time="100" condition="Window.IsActive(Home)" center="1265,0" reversible="false">conditional</animation>
    <animation effect="zoom" start="200" end="100" time="100" condition="!Window.IsActive(Home)" center="1265,0" reversible="false">conditional</animation>
    <control type="image">