play iso files in android box

Hello,,,seems i had to register to get an answer for this.So i got a xiaomi set top box and it have automatic updated kodi to version 21,and ofcourse the isofiles that worked before make kodi just krash now,,so i guess developers know about the problem.When can we expect kodi updating itself to a version that work?Kodi is the only app that shows dvd menus on a ripped isofile and i have many files with multiple program in each file,recorded from tv and burned to dvd with a dvd recorder and ripped to iso files,,and before this update all worked just perfect,,so i really hope you fix this.We also have many dvd records that we was planning to fix the same way.Vlc works,,,it play files,,but not showing the menu that the dvdrecorder created so we can choose the show we want.I read kodi 21.1 gonna fix this,its gonna update itself or?Or i have to uninstall kodi and check google play for new version? thank you,,,Peter in sweden