solution for a hard of hearing person using a wide array of video formats

Hey guys,

I have a hearing loss and I can't turn up the volume on my TV without disturbing my neighbors. I am currently evaluating different solutions for a set top box that would be able to play a wide array of formats and also provide some sort of remote headphones capability. Roku has a remote that has a port for standard headphones, which is great but Roku is very limited as far as supported video and audio file formats are concerned. Nvidia Shield TV also has an audio out port in the remote and has Android TV which I suppose allows the user to install the Kodi app (please correct me if I am wrong). So it's exactly what I need, but a bit too expensive at $299.
So I am thinking of buying a cheaper Android TV device such as Mi Box ($69) and installing Kodi on it, but Mi Box does not have an audio out plug in the remote. So my question is: The Kodi remote app currently available in Google Play, does it stream audio back to the Android phone via either WiFi or Bluetooth? If so, then I can plug my headphones in my phone and hear the sound from the TV box.
Does anyone have any better ideas? For example would a Raspberry Pi be better than the Mi Box? I am fairly good at technology, I've been using Linux both at work and at home for more than 10 years, so I am not afraid of complex setups as long as they are easy to use after the setup is done (so that my wife can use the solution too).

Thank you in advance,


Some Questions For The Kodi Experts

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Android TV – how is it?

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What hardware should I get for x264 decoding 1080p@60fps

As the subject says I'm looking into getting a few devices to replace my aging OUYA devices that now run KODI 16.1.4. Unfortunately, it is just not able to decode and push out 1080p@60fps and some of the videos I have are just that. I have been looking online, including the "Pick the Right Kodi Box" thread and I am trying to find the right choice. Perhaps if I list what it is I'm looking for, I could get a good recommendation.

I am looking for a dead simple startup, directly into KODI, and able play videos that are 1080p@60fps. I'm not too worried about x265/HEVC at this time as it is fairly rare in my ventures and I don't mind upgrading to the RPi4—or whatever the next device is—in a few years to support x265 when it is a bit more ubiquitous.

I have been looking at the RPi3 and the ODROID-C2 and they seem to be the way to go, but there are also conflicting accounts by various people online and in this forum as to how well they work. I have seen people say that the RPi3 can be a bit jumpy, dropping frames, with 1080p@60fps, so I am leaning more towards the ODROID-C2. Conversely, I have seen people say that ODROID-C2 does not support LibreELEC all that well.

Which of these should I get, or is there another option I am missing that would satisfy my needs? Thanks in advance for clearing this up as the internet seems to be about as clear a mud for me at this point.