packages folder in .kodi folder safe to delete?
Looking at the user folder structure in Andoid Kodi I was struck by the size of the folder at: \Android\data\org.xbmc.kodi\files\.kodi\addons\packages (Using Samba to browse on...
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Looking at the user folder structure in Andoid Kodi I was struck by the size of the folder at: \Android\data\org.xbmc.kodi\files\.kodi\addons\packages (Using Samba to browse on...
Description: The Fox News plugin (version 7.0.0) is installed successfully in Kodi, but it fails to display any data when selecting any top Fox News...
hi im using a formula z8 box to run kodi and have for a while I have two remotes for it one being a bluetooth...
Hello Kodi user, Since the use of Kodi (22.x) there is the problem that 24p or even 23.98p movies show short stutters every 20-30 seconds....
hello everybody nice to join the forum. I have an issue with Macbook M1 Air Sonoma running kodi 21/20/19 when a video is playing or...
Los mejores addons en Kodi Julio 2024 te brindan una gama increíblemente variada de contenido para todos los gustos. En esta lista, encontrarás una amplia...
The error am facing is “2024-06-28 01:57:27.445 T:43798 error <general>: libva error: /usr/lib/dri/ init failed” i am running an Intel Celeron N3060 heres the full...
This thread is to help support lynxstrike texture file with images sizes that are out of size compliance. You may choose to use and modify this...
I have been a long time user of Kodi, but I have always installed through the PPA for Linux. But I see that now you...
hello I have a Dune-HD pro 8k Android media player and Kodi 21 installed. I have defined the internal Dune Player to play the videos...
I am looking for suggestions for a TV box that can run kodi and iptv on a closed network without internet access. there is an...
I’m trying to create a system where users can choose how to speed up my animations and window transitions. I know you can speed up...
My Shield is loaded with nexus, I can’t find the way to add networks to the favourites folder, not a problem with movies or tv...
Hello, i made this quick guide because i find the install information confusing on kodi, most of Windows resources do not work as espected, and...
Hi, I know the NFS server share is working I have another instance of Kodi on Coreelec that can access it just fine. I have...