Missing text in active window
How to I fix missing hover text for predefined active window controls? See images…one ok…other not in SettingsCategory.xml. I have 4 that aren’t working and can’t...
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
Kodi for PC IOS Football Addons IPTV M3u Sports
How to I fix missing hover text for predefined active window controls? See images…one ok…other not in SettingsCategory.xml. I have 4 that aren’t working and can’t...
Is there any fixes or suggestions for iptv simple client error playback failed on version omega
I am using the latest Kodi v. 21 on nvidia shield pro. 99% of the the media I am trying to play works fine. However,...
Hey all, So I’m trying to build a skin with a Netflix feel for my Firestick 4k Max. The problem is: with almost any skin...
I have a panel container that I use a dynamic content tag for a playlist Code: <content>playlistvideo://</content> but I can’t for the life of me...
El addon Vavoo en Kodi es un complemento de video donde encontramos contenido de TV de diferentes países del mundo. El addon está disponible en...
Hello. I have a NVIDIA Shield with Kodi v 21.0. When I wake up the NVIDIA Shield from sleep sometimes/often Kodi cannot initialize sound. The spinning...
Hello, When I start my slide show in a folder, the pictures and videos run smoothly. Unfortunately, you cannot fast forward or pause the videos....
As a disclaimer: When and If i finish this skin it is intended to be used with LOCAL LIBRARIES and LEGAL ADDONS, NO PIRACY IS...
I am just wondering if it is possible to have poster Art that has a transparent background? Currently it is set at ‘no’. https://kodi.wiki/view/Artwork_types#poster Thanks...
Hello, I’ve been using Kodi for years, on PC, mobile and Raspberry Pi, and I’m encountering this bug for the first time: In Videos >...
Hi there, Please could I get some advice. I was running OSMC/ Kodi v19 on a RPI 3b when I first started encountering a network...
Kodi freezes and needs alt-f4 if you scroll to the bottom of favorites This has persisted through multiple versions and installations. Kodi freezes and needs...
I installed the Omega v.21 to my GOOGLE ONN. box… but don’t remember HOW! IF I remember correctly, it was only a 6 digit code...